
0 2023-12-08 14:06 xswz


我整理的一些好句子,很实用的,你参考下:1. Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that。

. 随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。 2. As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes. 然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。

(Hold different attitudes 持不同的看;Come up with different attitudes 有不同的看法) 3. As society develops, people are attaching much importance to。. 随着社会的发展,人们开始关注。

4. People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting 求职的过程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。

5. As to whether it is worthwhile 。.., there is a long-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it. 关于是否值得___________的问题,一直以来争论不休。

当然,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。 6.In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma. 在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。

7.Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that。. 最近,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注,有人开始担心______________。

8.The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention. 人类进入了一个历史的崭新的阶段,经济全球化、都市化的速度不断加快,随之给我们带来了很多问题。 9。

plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a blessing or a curse?" _______显得非常重要而成为当今世界所关注的最大的问题,这是无可厚非的。

不过,问题是:"我们该如何抉择?" 10.Now we are entering a new era, full of opportunities and challenges, 现在我们正在进入一个充满机会和挑战的新时代。展现问题篇 问题的常用词:question, problem, issue 1.Recently, the issue of 。

has been brought into public focus. 近来,_______的问题引起了社会的广泛关注。

2.Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes have taken place in people's attitude towards some traditional practice. 现在我们进入了一个充满机遇和创新的崭新时代,很多人对某些传统的看法也发生了很大改变。 3.Recently the issue of whether or not 。

has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public. 近来,是否_______的问题已经非常明确而且引起了社会的广泛关注。 4.The issue whether it is good or not to 。

. has aroused a heated discussion all over the country. ______的利与弊已在全国范围内引起热烈的讨论。 5.At present, some people think 。

.while others claim 。Both sides have their merits. 目前,一些人认为_______而另一些人则认为_______。

其实,两种观点都其可取之处。 6.People rarely reach an absolute consensus on such a controversial issue. 对于这种极具争议的话题,我们很难作出绝对的回答。

7.People from different backgrounds would put different interpretations on the same case. 不同行业的人对同一种问题的解释不尽相同。 8.The controversial issue is often brought into public focus. People from different backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue. 这中极具争议性的话题往往很受社会的关注。

不同的人对此问题的看法也不尽相同。 9.When asked 。

, some people think。.. while some prefer。

说到______,有人认为________,而另一些人则认为__________。 10.Just as the saying goes: "so many people, so many minds". It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person. 俗话说,""。

不同的人对此有不同的看法是可以理解的。 11.To this issue, different people come up with various attitudes. 对于这个问题,不同的人持不同的观点。

12.There is a good side and a bad side to everything, it goes without saying that。 万事万物都有其两面性,所以,勿庸置疑,____________。

13.When it comes to 。, most people believe that 。

, but other people regard 。as 。

. 提到_________问题,很多人认为_________,不过,一些人则认为______是____. 14.When faced with。., quite a few people claim that 。

., but other people think as。 提到_________问题,仅少数人认为________,但另一些人则认为_________。

15.There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of 。. There who criticize 。

argue that 。., they believe that 。

,but people who favor .., on the other hand, argue that。 目前,_______问题争议较大。



2006年6月17日大学英语四级考试作文题目及 Writing: 1. 校学生会将组织一次暑期志愿者活动,现招募志愿者。

2.本次志愿者活动的目的,内容、安排等。 3.报名条件及联系方式。

题目:Volunteers Needed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We're writing this letter to recruit volunteers on summer vocation. And we do hope more students are willing to join us and enjoy this activity joyfully during the following month. It is necessary for us to show our plans and arrangements to you. Our plan is to set off next weekend, when the summer vacation officially begins. And, our purpose is to service the Olympic Games. The first stop is Nanjing, the world-renowned city for its beauty and mild temperature. We'll get there by train and stay there for 2 days, and then we'll head for Shanghai. After a 3-day stay there, we will give the coaches there a handso that the game can be held smoothly. As everybody knows, Shanghai is the busiest city in this game, where we will undertake a lot of work, so the stay there will be about half a week. All together, our trip will last about three weeks. Those interested please contact me either through email (xxx@126.com) or phone call (12345678). We are waiting for you sincerely. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow Students: The hard and hectic (busy and bustling) semester is drawing to close. The Students' Union is scheduled to organize a clean-up program to the Zhongshan Lake. The purpose of this program is to enhance the environment awareness of general public. We are now recruiting new members of volunteers for the event. The program procedure goes like this: next Saturday morning at 9:00 volunteers of 50 will go to the Zhongshan lake .Around the lake we will put up signs and posters calling people's attention to the importance of in environment prot ter is drawing to close. The Students' Union is scheduled to organize a clean-up program to the Zhongshan Lake. The purpose of this program is to enhance the environment awareness of general public. We are now recruiting new members of volunteers for the event. The program procedure goes like this: next Saturday morning at 9:00 volunteers of 50 will go to the Zhongshan lake .Around the lake we will put up signs and posters calling people's attention to the importance of in environment protection and pick up the trash by some tourists. This will certainly attract a lot of people since it is a weekend and the park is particularly popular with tourists. Each day there is an estimated number of 2000 people visiting the place, sight-seeing and picnic-going. This must be both exiting and rewarding. We welcome any students who like to take the time and trouble to do something for environment conservation. Interested students can register yourselves with us now. ( or sign up your names at our office.) Our number is 88807777. The Students Union --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear fellow students, Attention, please! We are now recruiting volunteers to participate in (take part in / get involved in) a voluntary program held by the student union during the summer break. The details of our activity are listed as follows. First, this activity is ai med at cultivating (giving a boost to ) your sense of responsibility, broadening your vision and sharpening your edge because, as our economy evolves at an incredible speed, it is becoming increasingly vital for young adults in the Ivory Tower to get in touch with the real world. Second, our activity begins at July 10th and ends at July 20th. . Plus, the schedule involves blood donation, looking after senior citizens and conducting a survey on the city's traffic system to put forward our suggestions. Any full-time or part-time students in our college are welcomed to join our team. For further information, please call us at 135****** or send your email to studentunion@asp.edu.cn. Come on, guys! [ 结 束 ]。


(一)观点类 1.The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, alone with the advance of the society and the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention,one of which is that…… 人类进入了一个历史的崭新的阶段,随着科技发展和经济快速增长、经济全球化、都市化的速度不断加快,随之给我们带来了很多问题,其中之一便是…… 2.Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that。

. 最近,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注,有人开始担心______________。 3。

. plays such an important role that it un de nia bly (无可厚非的)becomes a wide-spread concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a blessing or a curse?" _______显得非常重要而成为当今世界所关注的最大的问题,这是无可厚非的。

不过,问题是:"我们该如何抉择?" 4.As society develops, There are a wide-spread concern over…… 随着社会的发展,人们开始关注。

5.As to whether it is a blessing or a curse(咒骂[k;s], however, people take different attitudes. 然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。 6.As to whether it is worthwhile 。

.., there is a long-running controversial debate. As an an old saying goes every coin has two sides ', it goes without saying that (毋庸置疑) people from different backgrounds may have divergent(相异的) attitudes towards it. 关于是否值得___________的问题,一直以来争论不休。正如谚语所说……因此毋庸置疑,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。

7.In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma. 在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。 8.More and more people become appreciating the convenience of mobile phone. 更多人对……的方便而受到吸引 9.People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting 求职的过程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。

10.Some people contend that 。 has proved to bring many advantages (disadvantages) 有些人认为________有很多有利之处(不利之处)。

11.People who advocate that 。,also have their sound reasons (grounds) 坚持认为______的人也有其说法(依据)。

12.As far as I am concerned, I am inclined(倾向于[in`klind]) to be on the side of the latter view. 在我看来,我较同意后一种观点。 13.If asked to make a decision, I would prefer。

如果真的需要作出选择,我宁愿____________。 14.We should adopt a more reasonable attitude towards the pursuit(追求) of fashion. 15.It is widely believed…… Is vitally important. 16.……means much more than…… It means …… 17.…… and some would never …… 18. We should take well advantage of the …… and reduce the disadvantage of it to the minimum. 19.……is always irritating when it unexpectedly ……in …… when many students are concentrating on study. 20.不可否认There is no denying that… 21.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on… 22.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons 23.对…必不可少 be indispensable to … 24.…也不例外 …be no exception 25.打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for… 26.致力于 be committed to… 27. 应当承认 Admittedly, 28.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty 29.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way 30. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice 31. …必然趋势 an irresistible(不可抗拒的[iri`zistibl]) trend of… 32.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information 33.跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with 34.身心两方面 both physically and mentally 35.有间接关系 be indirectly related to… 36. 提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal 37. 相反 in contrast / on the contrary.。



Yu Garden

If a foreign friend of mine is going to visit my hometown, Shanghai, I would like to take her to Yu Garden.

Yu Garden is a traditional Chinese garden located beside the City God Temple in the northeast of Shanghai. Here she will marvel at the exotic and exquisite beauty of the Chinese Garden. She can walk on the crooked bridge and take photos of the beautiful goldfish. Besides, she can taste the local cuisines like steamed buns, wonton noodles, soy milk. There are a variety of mouth-watering snacks there. Apart from the beautiful scenery and delicious food, she will also be attracted by the remarkable performance of different craftsmen. For example, she will see Shanghai-style paper-cutting, and the process of making Chinese candy and clay figurines.

I believe my friend will have a great day if she visits Yu Garden. This is a place where the features of this city are combined.


Guilin – A Beautiful City in China

In China, there's a saying that "The landscape of Guilin tops that of any other place under heaven." In light of this, I will recommend Guilin as the first destination of my foreign friend's trip to China.

Overlooking the Li Jiang River, Guilin is located in the northeast of Guangxi. The name was derived from the cassia trees of the location. The trees line the streets of the town with yellow flowers blossoming every September, filling the air with sweet scent.

Guilin is a place of breath-taking scenery. From ancient times, Guilin has been noted for its elegant landscape. It features beautiful mountains, clear rivers, grotesque rocks and mystic crags, which is a feast for the eyes. Sitting on a bamboo raft drifting down the river, visitors can see the varied shapes of the pinnacles reflected in the water. They will feel as if they were in a scroll of Chinese landscape painting.

I believe that my foreign friend will marvel at the unparalleled beauty of Guilin.


Online Shopping Nowadays, online shopping has increasingly become a fashion. Nobody will fail to notice that a growing number of people prefer shopping online such as Taobao because it brings us a lot of convenience. Just click your button, and all that you can do is to wait for your delivery to come. However, everything can be divided into two, and online shopping has no exception. It also has many problems. First of all, most products have very poor quality. When you buy something online, you can not touch or feel them, so their quality is not so good as it looks. What's worse, it will cause your financial insecurity, because the payment is also done through the Internet. Therefore, your bank account or credit card numbers will be stolen and make you suffer a great loss. On the whole, through the above analysis, i believe online shopping has a very bright future. Although it has many problems, it is one of the results of modern society. There is a long way to go for us to improve its services.这是年6月份四级考试作文。


(一)观点类 1.The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, alone with the advance of the society and the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention,one of which is that…… 人类进入了一个历史的崭新的阶段,随着科技发展和经济快速增长、经济全球化、都市化的速度不断加快,随之给我们带来了很多问题,其中之一便是…… 2.Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that。

. 最近,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注,有人开始担心______________。 3。

. plays such an important role that it un de nia bly (无可厚非的)becomes a wide-spread concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a blessing or a curse?" _______显得非常重要而成为当今世界所关注的最大的问题,这是无可厚非的。

不过,问题是:"我们该如何抉择?" 4.As society develops, There are a wide-spread concern over…… 随着社会的发展,人们开始关注。

5.As to whether it is a blessing or a curse(咒骂[k;s], however, people take different attitudes. 然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。 6.As to whether it is worthwhile 。

.., there is a long-running controversial debate. As an an old saying goes every coin has two sides ', it goes without saying that (毋庸置疑) people from different backgrounds may have divergent(相异的) attitudes towards it. 关于是否值得___________的问题,一直以来争论不休。正如谚语所说……因此毋庸置疑,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。

7.In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma. 在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。 8.More and more people become appreciating the convenience of mobile phone. 更多人对……的方便而受到吸引 9.People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting 求职的过程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。

10.Some people contend that 。 has proved to bring many advantages (disadvantages) 有些人认为________有很多有利之处(不利之处)。

11.People who advocate that 。,also have their sound reasons (grounds) 坚持认为______的人也有其说法(依据)。

12.As far as I am concerned, I am inclined(倾向于[in`klind]) to be on the side of the latter view. 在我看来,我较同意后一种观点。 13.If asked to make a decision, I would prefer。

如果真的需要作出选择,我宁愿____________。 14.We should adopt a more reasonable attitude towards the pursuit(追求) of fashion. 15.It is widely believed…… Is vitally important. 16.……means much more than…… It means …… 17.…… and some would never …… 18. We should take well advantage of the …… and reduce the disadvantage of it to the minimum. 19.……is always irritating when it unexpectedly ……in …… when many students are concentrating on study. 20.不可否认There is no denying that… 21.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on… 22.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons 23.对…必不可少 be indispensable to … 24.…也不例外 …be no exception 25.打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for… 26.致力于 be committed to… 27. 应当承认 Admittedly, 28.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty 29.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way 30. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice 31. …必然趋势 an irresistible(不可抗拒的[iri`zistibl]) trend of… 32.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information 33.跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with 34.身心两方面 both physically and mentally 35.有间接关系 be indirectly related to… 36. 提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal 37. 相反 in contrast / on the contrary.。


这是我考四六级的法宝,我用这些句子至少可以拿90分的作文,希望可以帮你忙吧!祝考试顺利!结尾万能公式 1. 结尾万能公式一:如此结论 说完了,毕竟要归纳一番,相信各位都有这样的经历,领导长篇大论,到最后终于冒出个“总而言之”之类的话,我们马上停止开小差,等待领导说结束语。

也就是说,开头很好,也必然要有一个精彩的结尾,让读者眼前一亮,这样,你就可以拿高分了!比如下面的例子: Obviously(此为过渡短语), we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others. 如果读者很难“显而见之”,但说无妨,就当读者的眼光太浅罢了! 更多过渡短语: to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, on account of this, thus 更多句型: Thus, it can be concluded that…, Therefore, we can find that… 2. 结尾万能公式二:如此建议 如果说“如此结论”是结尾最没用的废话,那么“如此建议”应该是最有价值的废话了,因为这里虽然也是废话,但是却用了一个很经典的虚拟语气的句型。拽! Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem. 这里的虚拟语气用得很经典,因为考官本来经常考这个句型,而如果我们自己写出来,你说考官会怎么想呢? 更多句型: Accordingly, I recommend that some measures be taken. Consequently, to solve the problem, some measures should be taken. 写作的“七项基本原则” 一、长短句原则 工作还得一张一驰呢,老让读者读长句,累死人!写一个短小精辟的句子,相反,却可以起到画龙点睛的作用。

而且如果我们把短句放在段首或者段末,也可以揭示主题: As a creature, I eat; as a man, I read. Although one action is to meet the primary need of my body and the other is to satisfy the intellectual need of mind, they are in a way quite similar. 如此可见,长短句结合,抑扬顿挫,岂不爽哉?牢记! 强烈建议:在文章第一段(开头)用一长一短,且先长后短;在文章主体部分,要先用一个短句解释主要意思,然后在阐述几个要点的时候采用先短后长的句群形式,定会让主体部分妙笔生辉!文章结尾一般用一长一短就可以了。 二、主题句原则 国有其君,家有其主,文章也要有其主。

否则会给人造成“群龙无首”之感!相信各位读过一些破烂文学,故意把主体隐藏在文章之内,结果造成我们稀里糊涂!不知所云!所以奉劝各位一定要写一个主题句,放在文章的开头(保险型)或者结尾,让读者一目了然,必会平安无事! 特别提示:隐藏主体句可是要冒险的! To begin with, you must work hard at your lessons and be fully prepared before the exam(主题句). Without sufficient preparation, you can hardly expect to answer all the questions correctly. 三、一二三原则 领导讲话总是第一部分、第一点、第二点、第三点、第二部分、第一点… 如此罗嗦。可毕竟还是条理清楚。


1)first, second, third, last(不推荐,原因:俗) 2)firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally(不推荐,原因:俗) 3)the first, the second, the third, the last(不推荐,原因:俗) 4)in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly(不推荐,原因:俗) 5)to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(强烈推荐) 6)to start with, next, in addition, finally(强烈推荐) 7)first and foremost, besides, last but not least(强烈推荐) 8)most important of all, moreover, finally 9)on the one hand, on the other hand(适用于两点的情况) 10)for one thing, for another thing(适用于两点的情况) 建议:不仅仅在写作中注意,平时说话的时候也应该条理清楚! 六、多变句式原则 1)加法(串联) 都希望写下很长的句子,像个老外似的,可就是怕写错,怎么办,最保险的写长句的方法就是这些,可以在任何句子之间加and, 但最好是前后的句子又先后关系或者并列关系。比如说: I enjor music and he is fond of playing guitar. 如果是二者并列的,我们可以用一个超级句式: Not only the fur coat is soft, but it is also warm. 其它的短语可以用: besides, furthermore, likewise, moreover 2)转折(拐弯抹角) 批评某人缺点的时候,我们总习惯先拐弯抹角说说他的优点,然后转入正题,再说缺点,这种方式虽然阴险了点,可毕竟还比较容易让人接受。

所以呢,我们说话的时候,只要在要点之前先来点废话,注意二者之间用个专这次就够了。 The car was quite old, yet it was in excellent condition. The coat was thin, but it was warm. 更多的短语: despite that, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, notwithstanding 3)因果(so, so, so) 昨天在街上我看到了一个女孩,然后我主动搭讪,然后我们去咖啡厅,然后我们认识了,然后我们成为了朋友…可见,讲故事的时候我们总要追求先后顺序,先什么,后什么,所以然后这个词就变得很常见了。





For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty。 You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words。


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your school teachers upon entering college。 You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words。


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to your parents or any family members upon making memorable achievement。 You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words。



题目:Create a green campus




Create a Green Campus

It is of great importance to make and maintain a green campus in our university or college. Obviously, a growing number of people are beginning to realize that it is our duty to do that in the present days, since the concept of “a green world” has become the focus of the society.

The idea of “a green campus” is beyond a green environment. To begin with, the development on the campus is to be sustainable and recyclable. Some of the authorities' budget should be on how to reduce of the waste. What's more, we'd better be aware of the seriousness of pollution around us. Thus the idea of environmental protection may become a common occurrence in our daily life.

It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to protect our campus from waste and pollution, and hence these activities are to play an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. Certainly, there is little doubt that further consideration must be paid to our green campuses.


