
100 2022-06-19 16:40 学生文摘



这个星期二,学校组织我们去杨凌农业科技馆参观研学旅行,我们并不是出去游玩,而是要在这次别具特色的旅行中去学习、去探索,去研究。 一到杨凌,首先映入眼帘的是一座高高矗立的后稷像,这座雄伟的塑像左手拿着谷穗,右手拿着锄头,他的神情严肃,而又庄重,似乎极目远眺着这一望无际的山川,又好像是在迎接到杨凌来的每一位客人。

我一下子就喜欢上了这块风水宝地。 杨凌农业科技馆是一个主要为教学和科研服务的博览馆,这里除了有很多与人类关系密切的动物、昆虫、植物、土壤知识和农业科技史,还有许多令人意想不到的收获。


早就听说这里的昆虫馆名扬天下,今天有幸能来到这里,果然名不虚传。 一走进昆虫馆,我的眼珠就被那一排排陈列地整整齐齐的昆虫标本牢牢吸引。

不计其数的昆虫标本形态万千,种类繁多:有四脚朝天的甲壳虫,有准备战斗的螳螂,有瘦得像麻杆一样的竹节虫,还有四肢紧紧缩在一起,看起来胆小如鼠的面具虫……就在这时,一声声蝈蝈的钢琴声从我的耳边响起,我抬头一看,大吃一惊,竟然上面是庞大的人头蜂巢穴标本!吓死我了! 这里最吸引我眼球的还是世界名蝶展厅,因为色彩斑斓,花花绿绿的蝴蝶会带人进入一种美轮美奂的童话世界。其中最吸引游客的蝴蝶是“光明女神蝶”,它蓝白相间,从远处看,好似还发出光彩夺目绚丽的亮光,太美了。




Last Friday we went for a school trip. There were a total of about 200 students. It needed 5 school buses to take us to the country park where we stay there for a day. The weather was very nice and I had much fun with my friends over there. I like school trip.。


Hai Nan is a very good place 。

have warm climate all year around。beacuase it is very close to the ocean 。

the ocean current going to bring the warm wind all around it。 becuase of the warm climate a lot of animals live right there。

i think the best thing to go there for vacation is every morning when you get up you can hear all kinds of bird is singing。 and you can see the sky is blue as the ocean。

different color of bird is flying ,and is made the beautifulest rainbow。 of couse the food right there is good to。

but i think the sea food is the best at hai nan。and i love the vacation 是去海南旅游的作文 楼下的:in this Sunday,是错误的表达,星期前面要用on Sunday。


Taking plane is the best, as it is fast even though it might cost you much more money but time is more precious than money. Taking car is the slowest, taking train is better than taking car, as train travel faster than car. On the plane, you get to eat as many types of food you want, maybe on some train you can do the same, but on the car you do not have enough space to do so. Taking plane does not waste fuels, as many people is using the amount of fuels, it apply to the train too. But travelling in car waste much fuels, as there is lesser people but the expense of the fuels are costly. There is bigger space in both planes and train but not in cars, so there is space limited in car.。


DEAR JEnny : how are you today ? i know that you want to come to china for tourism . i have some idea for you. do you want to go for BEIJING ?BEIJING has a long history, historical sites too numerous to mention. Summer and autumn is the best season to come here . If you wanted seaside surfing in the summer , then you can choice go to DAKIAN or QINGDAO . Hope you have a nice tourism . From:Li Ming . - -。

初二的程度我不知道是不是这样、相信你看的懂、我就不翻译了、额、我没上初二额- -、所以、我不知道会不会超出初二的水平、希望可以帮到你、。
