
0 2024-08-19 23:14 Mr.xuan 来源:xuanchuanyuan.com

2022年考研英语一小作文范文 第1篇

Dear editor:

I am writing the letter in purpose of drawing your attention to the fact that some people still use plastic bags in spite of restrictions on the use of them. and I will try to make some conducive recommendations concerning the write pollution.

In my humble opinion, to eradicate the phenomenon of widespread write pollution, it would be wise to take the following actions. Above all, the public should keep in mind to foster consciousness of the negative influence of frequent use plastic bags. Besides, there is no doubt that the authorities should strengthen the enforcement of the laws to completely ban the improper use of plastic bags.

I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details. Your prompt attention to my recommendations will be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming

2022年考研英语一小作文范文 第2篇

Part A

47. Directions:

Suppose you are invited by Professor Williams to give a presentation about Chinese cultur e to a group of international students. Write a reply to

1)Accept the invitation, and

2)Introduce the key points of your presentation.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not use your own name. Use “Li Ming”instead.

Do not write your address.(10points).

Dear professor,

I am so happy to learn that there will be an activity to introduce Chinese culture for the foreign students. And it is an great honor for me to be invited to give a presentation.

Here are some necessary information about my presentation. To begin with, my topic is concerning the tradition of Chinese Spring Festival. Moreover, I will make clear that due to its unique geographical features, China’s customs for celebrating the Lunar New Year are slightly different. In addition, my statement will last about 2 hours. I am sure that would be immensely beneficial to those who are interested.

Its my great pleasure to participate in this activity. Please feel free to contact me for more questions.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

2022年考研英语一小作文范文 第3篇

Dear Bob:

I have returned home from Canada now and I would like to extend my sincere thanks for your help in Canada. It has been one of my best vacations ever!

Back at home, however, I am surprised to find that I mistakenly brought one of your CD home with my luggage, the one which you lent me in summer vacation when I was preparing for a music course test. I am really sorry for this and I hope no bother has been caused because of my mistake. I decide to send it back to you as soon as possible, so would you please send me your current mail address so that the CD can successfully reach you soon?

I apologize again for my carelessness, and wish to meet you again soon!



2022年考研英语一小作文范文 第4篇

Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) I write intending to beg your pardon about ( 某 事 ).

(2) Although what is done is done, I must explain my reasons for this apology.


(3) To begin with, ( 第 ⼀ 个 原 因 ). I have since been racking my brains to try and rectify this situation.

(4) What is more, (第⼆个原因). This was unquestionably adding insult to injury, making me feel down and sad.

(5) Having thought about it, I recommend that (具体解决⽅案), as this should rectify things.


(6) I would like to advance my thanks to you for considering my letter.

(7) I welcome any feedback from you at any time.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San


Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) 我写信的⽬的是请求你原谅(某事)。

(2) 虽然事已⾄此,但我必须解释我为何道歉。


(3) ⾸先,(第⼀个原因),我⼀直在绞尽脑汁试图扭转这种局⾯。

(4) 此外,(第⼆个原因)。这⽆疑是雪上加霜, 让我感到沮丧难过。

(5) 经过思考,我建议(具体解决⽅案),因为这应该能够改善现状。


(6) ⾮常感谢您对我的来信给予关注。 (7) 欢迎您在任何时候向我反馈意⻅。

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San

2022年考研英语一小作文范文 第5篇

Dear Editors:

I have been reading your newspaper for many years with a great enthusiasm and interest. It is my view that limiting the use of disposable plastic bags is of utmost significance.

To crack this hard nut, I would like to propose several practical recommendations as follows. First and foremost, it is imperative for us to ban the free use of disposable plastic bags. In addition, we should develop possible alternative forms to replace them, such as paper or clothing bags. Last but not least, plastic bags should be offered in a much higher price in department stores or supermarkets.

I hope you will find the above proposals conducive and I would like to discuss this matter to further details. Your prompt attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

2022年考研英语一小作文范文 第6篇

Basically, what we see in this picture is a bird lamenting the fact that its home has been destroyed. Of course, birds usually make their homes in trees, and since there are no trees left in the picture – only the stumps, to show that the original trees have been chopped down – the bird is left without shelter. In fact, the bird has no choice but to perch on the handle of an axe, which has been used to destroy its original home.

We can deduce from this picture that the drawer is trying to attract our attention to the tragedy of the destruction of forests, which is part of the threat to the ecological balance of the planet. He seems to be saying that soon there will be no trees left in the world. In my opinion, the sad little bird is a symbol of all living things, including human beings, and, like the bird, we too will be left homeless if we allow the destruction of the environment to continue.

This simple picture is a wake – up call for the whole of the human race. If this vivid image of the grim future of our planet is not to become a reality, we must take positive steps right now to put an end the plundering of the Earth’s natural resources. It is clear that the drawer of the picture is urging us to start with a campaign to save the forests, which is something all of us can join by urging our local authorities to take positive measures to save the trees.





2022年考研英语一小作文范文 第7篇

Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) I had been hesitating for a long time before I finally decided to resign.


(2) To commence with, the training I received in college does not benefit me much in the position.

(3) In addition, I have decided to go abroad to pursue further study and broaden my horizon.

(4) If you need me to provide some excellent candidates for your consideration, I would love to help.

(5) The only thing I can do now is to humbly apologize.


(6) Thank you for reading my letter even when you are always busy.

(7) I hope that you will be in a position to respond soon.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San


Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) 我犹豫了很⻓时间,最终决定辞职。


(2) ⾸先,我在⼤学⾥接受的训练对这个职位没有多⼤帮助。

(3) 其次,我决定出国深造,开阔眼界。

(4) 如果您需要我推荐⼀些优秀的候选⼈,我很乐意帮忙。

(5) 我现在唯⼀能做的就是虚⼼道歉。


(6) ⾮常感谢您在忙碌之中还阅读我的信。

(7) 希望您能尽快做出回应。

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San

2022年考研英语一小作文范文 第8篇



(1) We are looking forward to meeting participants of ( 活 动 名 称 ) this Thursday in the Grand Lecture Theatre at 7 pm.

(2) You will glean the necessary information about the event from this bulletin.


(3) First and foremost, (第⼀个信息). The great importance of remembering this piece of information cannot be emphasized highly enough.

(4) To follow up, only those who have successfully registered and got the confirmation letters can be admitted.

(5) In finishing, photos of the best moments of the day will be presented to participants in an album.


(6) It is hoped that this event captures your interest and that you come.

(7) If required, we can supply a leaflet which includes extra information.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San




(1) 本周四晚上7点,我们期待在⼤演讲厅与(活动名称)的参与者⻅⾯。

(2) 您可以从本通知找到所有有关活动的必要信息。


(3) ⾸先,(第⼀个信息)。牢记这条信息⾄关重要,值得反复强调。

(4) 接下来,只有那些已经成功报名申请并通过的⼈可以参加本次活动。

(5) 在结束时,当天活动的最佳时刻将以相册形式呈现给参加者。


(6) 希望本次活动能引您加⼊。

(7) 如果您需要,我们可以提供有更多信息的宣传单。

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San


2022年考研英语一小作文范文 第9篇

Dear Jack:

Thanks for your congratulation! Since you asked for advice on translation, I’d like to offer several conducive proposals as follows.

First of all, while quite a number of students think they’re forced to learn translation——merely for English test, you should learn it for some other purposes like the usefulness other than examination itself. What is more, for purpose of becoming an outstanding translator, it is vital to not only appreciate the beauty and perfection of the language and literature in both English and Chinese, but also arouse your great interest in exploring something deeper in this field.

I’m sure you’ll be an excellent translator. Looking forward to your reply!


Li Ming

2022年考研英语一小作文范文 第10篇

Dear Editor:

Im writing for the purpose of expressing my views on further prohibiting the use of plastic bags. China has officially enacted the law of plastic bag restriction, but it is observed in vain in several places, thus resulting in the continuing of white pollution.

Having the largest population in the world, China is exposed to the most serious plastic pollution. With the quickening pace of life, various disposable products are closely related to our regular life, including unrecyclable lunch boxes and plastic shopping bags. As it is difficult for them to decompose, people find themselves surrounded by an expanding ocean of white rubbish.

As a result, it is advisable to solve the problems by three means.

Above all, importance should be attached to reinforcing the implementation of the law. In addition, people in those places should gradually enhance their environmental awareness. There is no denying that your magazine should play an important role in preaching the necessity of limiting the plastic bags.

Thank you for your patience and concern in reading this letter.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming