
0 2024-08-18 09:20 Mr.xuan 来源:xuanchuanyuan.com

现象阐述型英语作文范文 第1篇

一、 教材分析


二、 学情分析

1、 学生初中已对静电有初步了解,知道一些简单的静电现象,知道摩擦起电、接触起电两种起电方式,对感应起电也有了些浅薄的了解,但只是一些感性认识,缺乏深层次理性认知。

2、 学生化学课已对物质的微观结构有所研究,这为本节课几种起电方式的微观解释大大降低了难度。

三、 教学目标


1、 知道摩擦起电、接触起电、静电感应这三种起电方式;

2、 知道正负电荷的规定及同种电荷相互排斥、异种电荷相互吸引的规律;

3、 知道电荷守恒定律,能用原子结构和电荷守恒的知识分析三种起电方式。


1、 通过演示实验使学生进一步认识自然界中的两种电荷;

2、 通过对原子核式结构的学习使学生明确摩擦起电和感应起电不是创造了电荷,而是使物体中的电荷转移。但对一个与外界没有电荷交换的系统,电荷的代数和不变。


1、 领略静电现象的奇妙与和谐,发展对科学的好奇心与求知欲;

2、 了解静电现象及其在生活和生产中的应用,尝试运用静电知识解决一些实际问题,有将静电知识应用于生活和生产实践的意识。

四、 教学重点、难点






五、 教法学法



六、 教学媒体

1. 实验器材:有机玻璃棒、丝绸、碎纸片、毛皮、橡胶棒、验电器、摩擦起电机;

2. 课件:视频——静电使长发飘起来;文档——人身静电高达七八千伏。

七、 教学流程及操作


1、 演示摩擦起电机的人造闪电;

2、 播放视频——静电使长发飘起来;





1、 研究第一种起电方式——摩擦起电





(1) 再用一根丝绸摩擦过的玻璃棒与之靠近,观察二者相互作用情况;

(2) 用毛皮摩擦过的橡胶棒与之靠近,观察二者相互作用情况。





(1) 都吸引碎纸片,说明二者都带了电;

(2) 两根丝绸摩擦过的玻璃棒必定带同种电荷,我们规定其为正电荷,其相互排斥说明同种电荷相互排斥;

(3) 毛皮摩擦过的橡胶棒与丝绸摩擦过的玻璃棒相互吸引,说明二者带异种电荷,我们把毛皮摩擦过的橡胶棒所带电规定为负电,即异种电荷相互吸引。




2、 研究第二种起电方式——接触起电






























1、 利用:

(1) 吸附功能;可用于除尘、喷涂、复印等;

(2) 杀菌功能:处理种子、处理水、产生的臭氧净化空气。

2、 防护:







1、 教材本节课后练习;

2、 课外阅读《人身静电高达七八千伏》。

八、 板书设计

现象阐述型英语作文范文 第2篇

As is symbolically depicted in the drawing above, _______图画内容 .

Simply designed as the drawing seems to be,it does reveal that _______图画想表达的主题以及产生的原因 .

What the picture conveys goes far beyond strongly hold that_______解决办法一/观点一.It is also of great significance to _______解决办法二/观点二.Most importantly, _______解决办法三/观点三 . _______(可以是提出解决办法)

现象阐述型英语作文范文 第3篇

假定你叫李华,你的朋友John Smith在南京大学教英语,下面是他给你的来信(略),要求你用英语给他写一封回信,婉言谢绝他的`邀请,回信时必须涉及以下内容:





Dear John,

I have received your letter yesterday. I am fine here, thank you. How about your live in Nanjing? Is everything all right? I hope so.

I felt glad that you are inviting me to attend your exhibition in Nanjing University. You said that is your first exhibition in the university,and you hope that will be an excellent performance during the day. Meanwhile, you had imported a lot of material from your country. However, I am sorry to ask for your forgiveness on this case. It is because I have to sit for my law examinations during the time. So,I really unable to attend your exhibition. But anyway, I promise you that I will go to meet you in this coming holiday.

Recently, I was so busy for my assignments and presentations. As what I told you last time, I have a lot of law assignments need to submit in this end of month. Beside this, I need to present some of the papers too. Then, two of my group members been sick on last week. Thus, a large number of preparation works need to be carry out by myself. Oh John, I felt that I really hard to breath now. I hope all these works can be settle smoothly soon.

Well, I need to continue my laws assignment and stop my writting here. Wish you all the best. See you soon.

Yours sincere,

Lee Hua

现象阐述型英语作文范文 第4篇



摘 要:幼儿学英语日趋成为一个热门话题,并随着国家、社会的发展成为一种趋势。各专家学者通过对幼儿生理、心理特征的分析,结合当前外语教学改革与现状研究,肯定了这股热潮朝着有利的方向发展,但与此同时,也存在着许多不可避免的弊端及问题。如何更好地引导成了解决问题的关键。

























现象阐述型英语作文范文 第5篇











As an old saying goes,…(题干中的语句). Nowadays,…(描述题干中要求分析的现象). This, however, has made great influence on …(对哪些方面产生影响).

No one could deny the fact that….(阐述现象带来的.好处). Nonetheless(也可以用Nevertheless), people are also annoyed by …(概述现象带来的坏处). First, the development of …(现象)has brought ….

(列举现象带来的第一个坏处). For example, ….(举例进一步阐述第一个坏处)Second, ….(列举现象带来的第二个坏处). Specifically, … (进一步具体阐述第二个坏处). Therefore, it can be easily find that the disadvantages of …(现象) outweigh its advantages.

In order to remove the disadvantages, we could introduce two main measures. On one hand, we could …(提出第一个建议), which would …(简要说明该建议能带来什么影响).

One the other hand, we could…(提出第二个建议), which will probably …(概述该建议可能会带来的好处).




The worst predictions of sea-level rise show that by the year 2100, there will be over 13 million Americans who have to leave their homes due to climate change.

Hundreds of . counties would be permanently flooded, new research shows.

Florida would be one of the most vulnerable states, with Miami-Dade county making up about 2 million refugees.

The researchers compared the resulting population migration to the mass movement of African Americans northward at the end of the Civil War.

Previous studies did not show such large numbers of evacuees, but lately, coastal areas have had some of the most rapid population growth in the country, meaning more people would have to be eventually relocated.


1、 notify vt. 通知,告知

2、 notion n. 概念;意图,想法

3、 resemble vt. 像,类似于

4、 reveal vt. 揭露

5、 revenue n. 收入,岁入;税收

6、 shelter n. 掩蔽处;住所

7、 shield n. 防护物,盾 vt. 保护,防护

8、 vital a. 重要的;致命的,生命的

9、 vitally ad. 极度,非常;致命地

10、 urban a. 城市的

11、 urge vt. 鼓励,激励

12、 urgent a. 急迫的,紧急得

13、 usage n. 使用,用法

14、 violence n. 强力,暴力

15、 violent a. _的

16、 violet a. 紫色的

17、 weed n. 杂草,野草

18、 welfare n. 福利

19、 whatsoever ad. (用于否定句)任何

20、 whereas conj. 然而,但是,尽管

before making

现象阐述型英语作文范文 第6篇

industrial pollution is clearly one of the biggest contributors to our polluted landscapes, at least here in the west. there are plenty of causes of land pollution, from urban and industrial ones, to rural and agricultural sources.

but which kinds of land pollution are the most important? and what can we realistically do to help prevent more pollution?

this part of the site gives an overview of some of the most important causes of land pollution, including industrial pollution.

there are also some recommendations for helping avoid domestic land pollution incidents.

click here for some good reading on industrial pollution and land pollution causes and solutions.

现象阐述型英语作文范文 第7篇

industrial pollution is the industrial production process of the formation of gas, waste water and solid emissions on the environment pollution. industrial pollution is mainly concentrated in a few industries. paper, chemical, steel, electricity, food, mining, textile and other seven sectors accounted for the total wastewater discharge 4 / 5. paper and food industry accounts for cod emissions of cod emissions 2 / 3, non-ferrous metallurgical industry, heavy metal emissions of heavy metals emissions account for nearly 1 / 2. industrial pollution is the industrial enterprises in the production process, including human biological survival and reproduction of the natural environment against. pollution is mainly from the production of the “three wastes” (waste water, waste gas, waste) and all kinds of noise caused can be divided into water pollution, air pollution, waste pollution, noise pollution.

industrial pollution hazard. first, a large number of industrial production in the discharge of untreated water, gas, slag and other hazardous waste, it will seriously damage the ecological balance of agriculture and natural resources on the development of agricultural production caused great harm; second, industrial “three wastes” of the industry production itself is also very serious hazards, toxic pollutants can corrode pipes, damaged equipment, affecting plant life, etc.; third, environmental pollution, rampant pollution, directly endangering the health of the masses; also some contamination is not easy to find, after the damage that has very serious

现象阐述型英语作文范文 第8篇









现象阐述型英语作文范文 第9篇

People 主题 for a lot of different reasons. Some think It is good for , some other think It helps us .

理由一 is becoming more and more important to people. For many, this is the primary reason to 主题 . Also, 主题 is to 理由二 . This often means having the opportunity to 这样做的好处 . Besides looking for self-knowledge, people also 主题 to 理由三. For many, this will be their chance for a long time to 这样做的好处.

I would recommend that people 主题. They should 做法 to 这样做的目的一 and 这样做的目的二 . Only by this way can we 这样做的好处 .

现象阐述型英语作文范文 第10篇

it was the industrial revolution that gave birth to environmental pollution as we know it today. the emergence of great factories and consumption of immense quantities of coal and other fossil fuels gave rise to unprecedented air pollution and the large volume of industrial chemical discharges added to the growing load of untreated human waste. chicago and cincinnati were the first two american cities to enact laws ensuring cleaner air in 1881. other cities followed around the country until early in the 20th century, when the short lived office of air pollution was created under the department of the interior. extreme smog events were experienced by the cities of los angeles and donora, pennsylvania in the late 1940s, serving as another public reminder.

现象阐述型英语作文范文 第11篇

How enlightening and compelling the above drawing is!It is so funny that whoever sees it cannot help thinking:_____.(这句自己加完整,从宏观上描述一下图画就可以,笼统的,大体的.)______while_______.(这句从微观上具体说明一下图画要描述的矛盾点,必须找到矛盾点,用到while这个单词)Simple as it looks,its intended meaning goes far deeper what on earth does the drawer really aim to convey.


What the image above vividly mirrors goes far more than a simple image,instead,it carries a thought provoking social phenomenon:____.(本文的主旨)There are upsetting(如文章不是讽刺性的,就把upsetting删除)parallels today in our contemporary example,______.(举2个例子,如果字数够就举1个)


Much can be begin with the schools and the mass media should develop,guide and cultivate noble and worthy values and qualities among people,doing their utmost to awaken people of the growing threat of this worsening situation.(of this worsening situation自己可以换成主旨的词,如果不换,这样也可以。如文章不是讽刺性的,就把worsening删除)What is more,the authorities concerned should play a dominant role in taking nationwide actions to curb(如文章不是讽刺性的,就把curb换成promote)such conclusion,all the society should make actively more sustained and concerted we still have a long way to go,a promising start has begun,and a happy,healthy and harmonious society may be not be far behind.


卡通cartoon也可以用以下几个picture image drawing illustration

图画Photo也可以用以下几个picture image photograph

现象阐述型英语作文范文 第12篇

In the above picture, .The promising phenomenon depicted by this picture reflects the spirit/importance of .

The importance of for the development of a person and the society has repeatedly been proved throughout the recently in the fast -paced and competitive 21st century,has it become incomparably vital to people and the is no exaggeration to say that if is not practiced/achieved/made/gained,it will be difficult for a person to successfully adapt to the ever-changing modern world and the personal failure,if becoming commonplace,may cause the serious social the modern society ,we are provided with great opportunities to ,since .

has magic can directly or indirectly bring people resources,energy and inspiration,things which are usually considered as the key to value is beyond should .

现象阐述型英语作文范文 第13篇


As is shown in the picture(graphcartoontable),it goes without saying that the drawing aims at revealing a common problem(in China): has attracted extensive attention of the more argumentations about it can be found in TV programs,newspapers,university classes and marry aspects of our everyday s status as the focus of public concern mainly results from its in negligible but harmful influence on individuals,collective,and even the whole world.

It seems to have a strange power to drive some individuals or organizations to act essence of these wrong actions is:(1)to gain personal,short-term and partial individual interest at the expense of damaging others’long-term and overall interest;(2)to adopt improper means to win more rewards with less must keep highly alert of the problems evoked by it,because once the harmful influence accumulates to a certain degree and then spread,it will surely threaten the development of the whole with various reasons and forms,from the perspective of the essence,the problems brought by it originates from the fundamental principle of human ideology and material should seek the solutions through setting foot on this principle.

Due to the depth and width of its harmful influence,we should draft our solution scientifically and systematically on the basis of deep analysis of its must acquire our power from technology,management,law and culture to tackle the problem,effectively eliminate the shadow of___________,and ensures ourselves a bright future.