
0 2024-07-15 05:18 Mr.xuan 来源:xuanchuanyuan.com

2014年英语二小作文范文 第1篇


Dear John,注意称呼中,所有实词首字母全部大写,Dear John后面的逗号不可丢,也不能写成冒号。


第一段:写作内容需涵盖两点:自我介绍,写信目的。文章开头开门自我介绍部分用到了这样的表达:I am Li Ming who will go to study in your university and live together with you in one department. 其中的“I am …who…”这个句型来自于建议信的表达,放在这里也十分贴切;接下一句话表明了写信目的:Now I am writing this letter to tell you some of my habits and ask you for some suggestions to adapt myself there.

第二段: 写作内容为习惯介绍以及寻求建议。首先,介绍自己的生活习惯,自己一般早上六点起床外出锻炼;周末一般在图书馆看书;其次,希望John就如何适应当地生活给自己一些建议。

第三段:写作内容表示期待,良好祝愿。用到了这样的表达:I am looking forward to seeing you soon and wish everything goes well.

落款: Yours sincerely, 特别提醒sincerely后面逗号不能丢;

签名: Li Ming 特别注意Li Ming 后面一定不能出现句点。

Dear John,

I am Li Ming who will go to study in your university and live together with you in one department. Now I am writing this letter to tell you some of my habits and ask you for some suggestions to adapt myself there.

To begin with, I usually get up early in the morning at six o’clock and then go out to do some exercise. To continue, I would like to spend my spare time in reading in the library. Meanwhile, I wonder if you could be so kind to offer me some proposals on how to get used to the life there.

I am looking forward to seeing you soon and wish everything goes well.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

2014年英语二小作文范文 第2篇

Dear John,

My name is Li Ming, 24, from the south of China. I am very honored that I could be your roommate when I study in America and write this letter to share something about me and ask for some suggestions on living in America from you.

Personally, I think I am quite easygoing and talkative to make friends everywhere , so please do not be surprised when I remind you of your old acquaintance. Moreover, sometimes I like to invite friends to share my Chinese cooking and cuisine. I wonder whether you could allow me to cook in our apartment and join us.

Finally, I really have a good expectation of my study and living in America and I will be very appreciated for your help and advice.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming







2014年英语二小作文范文 第3篇

Directions: Suppose you are going to study abroad and share an apartment with John, a local student. Write him to email to

1)tell him about your living habits, and

2)ask for advice about living there.

You should write about 100 words on answer sheet.

Do not use your own name.


Dear John,

I am Li Ming who will go to study in your university and live together with you in one department. Now I am writing this letter to tell you some of my habits and ask you for some suggestions to adapt myself there.

To begin with, I usually get up early in the morning at six o’clock and then go out to do some exercise. To continue, I would like to spend my spare time in reading in the library. Meanwhile, I wonder if you could be so kind to offer me some proposals on how to get used to the life there.

I am looking forward to seeing you soon and wish everything goes well.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

2014年英语二小作文范文 第4篇

Dear John,

I am Li Ming, your future roommate and a new arrival from China who is coming over here for further education. I am writing this letter to let you know about me and ask for some suggestions for my future life in America.

First, I am a quiet person so that your keeping silent would be highly appreciated. Second, I like cooking and I wonder whether it is okay to you that I cook Chinese dish at home, because the preparation for Chinese cuisine may produce much smoke. Third, I want to buy a car but I know nothing about traffic rules in America. Would you please give me a lesson about traffic laws in US.

Wish you reply soon.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming
