
0 2024-08-22 08:58 Mr.xuan 来源:xuanchuanyuan.com

雅思8分写作范文 第1篇

Vivien,英国斯特克莱德大学金融学学士,谢菲尔德大学教育学硕士。Tessa,英语为母语,新西兰坎特伯雷大学英语文学和法语专业。我们为大家分享雅思写作考试解析 & 真题范文。提供雅思听说读写私教课程,中、外雅思培训师线上或线下授课,希望能够帮助大家顺利通过雅思考试。


雅思8分写作范文 第2篇


People can recycling or reduce plastic use


People can take public transport, cycle, walk 


Despite this, I do believe individual action can play a big part in solving our environmental problems. If each person makes small changes every day, they can make a huge difference to the amount of waste and rubbish being created. For example, by refusing to use plastic, the production of plastic becomes less profitable to continue on with, and eventually will be stopped completely. Moreover, individuals can significantly reduce greenhouse gases by taking public transport, walking or cycling. By doing so, they not only help to solve our problems now, but set an example for future generations to come.


play a big part in...  在...方面发挥重大作用

set an example 以身作则

future generations 子孙后代

雅思8分写作范文 第3篇



University education is often seen as the capstone of formal learning. Students are usually from various life stages, with multiple reasons for enrolling. Most are there to obtain a bachelor’s degree in order to improve their opportunities for employment, while some desire to further increase their knowledge of the world. Therefore, there has been debate over what tertiary education should focus on.

New vocabulary and lexical resources:

1. capstone  n. 顶点

2. multiple   adj.  多重的,多样的

3. desire to  希望

4. tertiary education  高等教育

     tertiary  adj. 第三级的

Nowadays, almost every employer prefers a candidate with a university degree, and it is considered as a prerequisite for a respectable career. Hence, it’s only reasonable that university courses should be workplace-oriented, with an emphasis on equipping students to be competitive in future industries. Institutions providing technical degrees such as medical, engineering and social work have always been well-regarded in society. They are undoubtedly a practical choice for university education.

New vocabulary and lexical resources:

1. candidate   n. 候选者,应试者

2. prerequisite   n. 先决条件

3. workplace-oriented    以工作场所为导向的

       adj. 以……为导向的

4. well-regarded   受到好评的

On the flip side, universities still offer courses and degrees that concentrate more on soft skills in academic learning. Many lectures and assignments expect students to understand theories, carry out research and write assignments with proper referencing. Though these tasks do not carry over to students’ lives immediately, they can develop critical thinking and organization abilities which are crucial for lifelong development as well. This is why despite not being directly related to certain professions, faculties such as Arts and Science are still commonly chosen degrees.

New vocabulary and lexical resources:

1. on the flip side  另一方面

2. soft skills 软技能

3. assignment  n. 任务,作业

4. referencing   引用  

Ultimately, I think preparing students to enter society is the main objective of education. Universities should be a place where students learn how to integrate into the workforce and contribute to community. Whether it is skill-based learning or academic study, both can build up character and encourage students’ intellectual growth.

New vocabulary and lexical resources:

1. ultimately   adv. 最后   同义词:eventually

2. integrate into 融入

3. skill-based   以技能为基础的

Furthermore, the appeal of university education is in its diversity and extent for flexibility. It is up to each individual to make the most of their time as a university student. All in all, university is a place to learn, be it for academic enlightenment or to gain professional expertise.

New vocabulary and lexical resources:

1. flexibility   n. 灵活性

2. enlightenment  n. 启蒙,启迪

3. expertise  n. 专业知识


1. It’s only reasonable that university courses should be workplace-oriented, with an emphasis on equipping students to be competitive in future industries.

It’s +adj. +that + 从句


后半句 with +n. 短语做主句的伴随状语

2. It is up to each individual to make the most of their time as a university student.

It is up to sb. to do sth. 某事取决于某人


针对于题目discuss both views and give your opinion, 笔者对于正反双方的观点都做出了细致地解释说明,且在正文的第二段和第三段中,都用到了与学术方面相关的领域作为具体的例子去证明观点。最后,作文中的最后两段也清晰地表明了自己的看法,并且自己的看法并不是直接性的一边倒,而是强调了学生学习方式的灵活性,这样非确定性观点也是这一类题型取得高分的关键,建议同学们也可在自己的作文中给出这样非绝对性的观点。
