
0 2024-08-15 18:35 xswz 来源:xuanchuanyuan.com


How to be healthy

Everyong wangs to be healthy. Do you konw how te be healthy First always eat breakfast. Because it's good for you!

A healthy body has healthy bongs muscles and skin. For strong bones, you need to eat good food. Good food makes your body healthy. For strong muscles, you need exercise.Healthy skin is clean skin.

Wash your face. Take showers or basts

2.找一首中英文对照的 文明礼仪的诗歌

文明是一朵花, 一朵永久芳香的花。

我们用真诚去浇灌,用热情来哺育, 让礼仪之诗永久珍藏在彼此的心里。 礼仪是一首诗, 一首淡雅清晰的诗。

我们用理解去融化,用关爱来抚慰, 让礼仪之诗永久珍藏在彼此的心里。 我们是跨世纪的少年, 我们要做新时代文明的代言。

雨露下,我们播撒文明的种子; 阳光里,我们装扮心中的春天。 带给别人一个微笑,别人给你快乐无限。

带给别人一个温暖,别人给你灿烂心情。 带给别人一片真诚,别人给你深深思念。

送给别人一份谦让,别人给你敬重万千。 让我们把春雷藏进队鼓, 敲响时代的鼓点。

告诉祖国, 告诉妈妈, 文明礼仪伴我长大。 让我们插上文明的翅膀, 飞向蓝天,飞向未来 告诉太阳, 告诉月亮, 我们是新世纪即将展翅的雄鹰。

做文明的使者, 让我们用微笑铺设文明路; 做礼仪的少年, 让我们用真心搭建礼仪桥。 文明礼仪伴我行,中华美德放光芒。

文明礼仪伴我行,到处盛开文明花!追着小鸟,走进密林, 追着小溪,走进深山, 追着蝴蝶,走进花丛, 让我们走进礼仪之窗。 让小锤去敲醒每一个人, 让我们带着礼仪走进学校, 让校园充满欢声笑语, 高高扬起我们的双臂, 去拥抱一个美丽的梦。

把自己变成文明树, 去体验文明的欢乐; 把自己变成礼仪花, 去感受礼仪的乐趣。 走进礼仪之窗, 沐浴文明礼仪。

等你从礼仪之梦醒来, 你会悄悄告诉小伙伴: 什么是礼貌,什么是尊重, 什么是自爱,什么是自律…… Civilization is a flower, A permanent fragrant flowers. We use sincere water them, with enthusiasm to feeding, Let the etiquette of poetry permanent collections in each other's heart. Etiquette is a poem. A quietly elegant clear poetry. We use understanding to melt, with care, to soothe, Let the etiquette of poetry permanent collections in each other's heart. We are the cross-century youth, We want to make a new era civilization either. Dew, we extending civilized seeds; Sunshine, we dress up in spring. To others a smile, others bring you happiness infinite. To others a warm, others for your brilliant mood. To others a sincere, other people to give you deeply missing. To give others a self-effacing, others give you respect by. Let's put ChunLei hide into the brigade drum, The drum consequense era. Tell the motherland, Tell mom, Civilization etiquette companion I grow up. Let us plug in civilization wings, Fly to the sky, fly to the future Tell the sun, Tell the moon, We are the new century will spread your wings and the eagle. Do civilized messenger, Let us use smile laid civilization road, Do etiquette boy. Let us use truly builds etiquette bridge. With our civilization etiquette, the virtues put light. With our civilization etiquette, are blooming everywhere civilization flower! Chasing a bird, walked into thickets, Chasing the stream, walk into the mountains, Chasing butterflies, enter the flowers, Let us walk into the Windows of the etiquette. Let little hammer to knock wake everyone, Let us bring etiquette into the school, Let the campus full of laughter, Tall raise our arms, To embrace a beautiful dream. Make yourself a civilization tree, To experience the joy of civilization, Make yourself a etiquette flower, To feel the etiquette of fun. Into the Windows of the etiquette, Bath civilization etiquette. Waiting for you, we wake up from etiquette of You will quietly told friends: What is polite, what is respect, What is self-respect, what is self-discipline。


How to be healthy Everyong wangs to be healthy. Do you konw how te be healthy First always eat breakfast. Because it's good for you!A healthy body has healthy bongs muscles and skin. For strong bones, you need to eat good food. Good food makes your body healthy. For strong muscles, you need exercise.Healthy skin is clean skin. Wash your face. Take showers or basts。


1、人人从我做起来 要让大地绿起来, 要让天空蓝起来, 要让江河清起来, 要让空气净起来, 要让花儿开起来, 要让鸟儿唱起来, 要让环境好起来, 人人从我做起来。 文明礼貌 学习争先虽重要, 文明礼貌也要好。

2、学校规定都遵守, 见到老师有礼貌。 同学之间相友爱, 友谊小手牵的牢。 爱护公物放心上, 树立新风我做到。 文明乘车歌 同学们,要记牢, 上下车时队排好。 上了车,不乱跑, 准备零钱去买票。 车厢里,不大叫, 安安静静秩序好。

3、有座位,不去抢, 老人孩子照顾到。 下车时,不拥挤, 耽误时间易摔跤。 讲文明,讲礼貌, 开开心心上学校。 校园美 教学楼,真热闹。 杨柳青青花儿俏。 同学们,蹦又跳。 讲文明,懂礼貌。 见老师,问声好。

4、见同学,问声早。 爱环境,出新招。 有垃圾,专人管。 见废纸,弯腰捡。 护环境,人有责。 校园美,齐欢笑。 家庭是个小集体, 人人都要讲礼仪, 家庭和睦邻里好, 共同建设新社区。 为人父母要慈爱, 教育责任要担起, 以身作则育后代, 倾尽心血教子女。

5、教他们,树立完美的理想和品格, 教他们,心里播下无私和正义。 父慈子要孝,养育之恩莫忘记, 倾听长辈的教诲,不顶撞,不偏激, 不同意见多沟通,平心又静气, 平日里,体贴父母勤做家务, 维护长辈的尊严与名誉。 夫妻之间多恩爱, 相敬如宾,和睦共处莫猜疑。

6、尊重对方的隐私, 孝敬双方父母,不偏也不倚。 事业上多支持,生活上,多体恤。 多宽容,多谅解, 做一对白头偕老的好夫妻。 兄弟姐妹要谦让, 互相帮助多联系。 兄要慈,弟要恭, 心胸博大,受点委屈别在意, 做事光明又磊落, 切莫薄情又寡意。






Oh, there's a feast of song in this house,

Oh, there's a feast of song in this house,

Oh, there's a feast of song in this house,

Won't you come in, you're welcome inside.

Won't you come in, you're welcome inside.

Oh, there's a feast of joy…

Oh, there's a feast of hope…

Sit down at the table and have your fill.

Don't go away hungry, there won't be a bill.

Oh, there's a feast of love。

Busy Bee (At School)

I like to be a busy bee, help my teacher yes-sir-ree!

I help out in my class that's me, picking up all the scraps I see.

Busy bee, busy bee, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, bee.

Busy bee, busy bee. Picking up all the scraps I see.

Oh, I like to be a busy bee, help my teacher yes-sir-ree!

I help out in my class that's me, picking up all the toys I see.

Busy bee, busy bee, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, bee.

Busy bee, busy bee. Pickling up all the toys I see.

That's me!




例如过去东北地区的满、赫哲、鄂温克、鄂伦春及内蒙古和达翰尔族,因信仰萨满调、跳神曲等萨满祭歌,而满语演唱的此类祭歌就有七十余种。 少数民族中蒙古族的《参天树》,满族的《神歌》,彝族的《叫魂歌》,纳西族的《六畜神找到了》、《祭山神》,云南一些少数民族的《祭锅庄》、《祭火神》、《祭树神》、《祭竹词》等都是祭祀歌;壮族在婚礼中先后有案歌、祝愿歌、说亲歌、媳妇歌、槟榔歌、哭嫁歌、拦门歌、敬酒歌、敬茶歌、筛鞋歌、送别歌等;苗族有《开亲歌》、《分支开亲歌》、《由嫁男到嫁女歌》等。













Civility, politeness

It is important to learn to get ahead.

Civility and decorum must also be good.

Schools are required to comply with.

See teachers polite.

Phase fraternity among students.

Led by the firm hands of friendship.

Safe assured.

Establish a new style I do.






Ethics of human progress "destination"

Ethics of human progress "engine"

Ethics, which is ahead of a "roadmap".

Ethics of human progress, "the steering wheel." Ethics of human progress "Traffic Police."



Hello! Hi!是"你好!",见面问好常用到。

Goodbye!是"再见!",Good night!道"晚安!"。

同学多日不见面,相见问好"How are you?"。

答语常用"I'm fine. Thank you."。

初次认识新朋友,握手问好"Glad to meet you."。

打扰别人问问题,开口先说"Excuse me."。

别人关心帮助你,感谢用语"Thank you."。

致谢用语要牢记,That's OK."没关系。"。

有了过错表歉意,I'm sorry."对不起。"。

客人来访把门开,Please come in."请进来。"。

Sit down, please. "请坐下。"。

Please have some tea . "请喝茶。"。

征求意见和请求,"May I。 ?"先开头。

同意许可Yes. / Sure. / Certainly. / OK!别忘了。
