

Blue-Butterfly Day

Robert Frost写的 It is blue-butterfly day here in spring,

And with these sky-flakes down in flurry on flurry

There is more unmixed color on the wing

Than flowers will show for days unless they hurry.

But these are flowers that fly and all but sing:

And now from having ridden out desire

They lie closed over in the wind and cling

Where wheels have freshly sliced the April mire.


下面是几首比较著名的关于蝴蝶的英文诗1. The butterfly obtains by Emily DickinsonThe butterfly obtainsBut little sympathyThough favorably mentionedIn Entomology --Because he travels freelyAnd wears a proper coatThe circumspect are certainThat he is dissolute --Had he the homely scutcheonOf modest Industry'Twere fitter certifyingFor Immortality --2.Some such Butterfly be seen by Emily DickinsonSome such Butterfly be seenOn Brazilian Pampas --Just at noon -- no later -- Sweet --Then -- the License closes --Some such Spice -- express and pass --Subject to Your Plucking --As the Stars -- You knew last Night --Foreigners -- This Morning --3.Blue-Butterfly Day by Robert FrostIt is blue-butterfly day here in spring,And with these sky-flakes down in flurry on flurryThere is more unmixed color on the wingThan flowers will show for days unless they hurry.But these are flowers that fly and all but sing:And now from having ridden out desireThey lie closed over in the wind and clingWhere wheels have freshly sliced the April mire.4.Butterfly by David Herbert LawrenceButterfly, the wind blows sea-ward, strong beyond the garden-wall!Butterfly, why do you settle on my shoe, and sip the dirt on my shoe, Lifting your veined wings, lifting them? big white butterfly!Already it is October, and the wind blows strong to the seafrom the hills where snow must have fallen, the wind is polished with snow.Here in the garden, with red geraniums, it is warm, it is warmbut the wind blows strong to sea-ward, white butterfly, content on my shoe!Will you go, will you go from my warm house?Will you climb on your big soft wings, black-dotted,as up an invisible rainbow, an archtill the wind slides you sheer from the arch-crest and in a strange level fluttering you go out to sea-ward, white speck!。



《垂泪的蝴蝶》 枕一缕馨香而眠 若隐若现的玫瑰情蒂 飘落我的梦乡 于是 我的梦乡 涨满 相思的浪潮 所有的梦花絮般飞扬 穿过繁星 跨越时空 梦中的你步履匆匆 笑如永恒的彩虹 我是一只垂泪的蝴蝶 舞动着薄如蝉翼的翅膀 萦绕你的身旁 想低声倾诉 我就是你前世的新娘 为你 今世 我将三千烦恼丝丝抛落 我柔媚的明眸 飞出一线柔柔的情 想缠绕你 让你读懂 我错埋千年的心事 此生 依旧是我未曾看破的红尘 终有一些爱 一些恨 一些不舍 浅浅根植 却深深依恋 我栖息在你的肩头 无力地舞动翅膀 纠缠不结的情丝涌起千言万语 漾着眼泪想触动你 而你 却如抖落花瓣般将我轻轻摈弃 我如泪轻弹 再也追赶不上你的脚步 《蝴蝶姑娘》 (一) 荆棘丛中你飞过 一缕魂香飘散在清清原野 也许不曾有人拭目 你如何不教惹人的翅断折 你在飞往何方 原野怎会变得如此宽阔 风雨成了一路的餐伴 你单薄而孤独的翼努力地 穿越多少阻隔 不知何时 你舞入这般蝶谷荒原 翩翩芊芊中 几双翅膀将你拢没 从此,变成蝴蝶姑娘 有限的时间里 生命注定无法伪装 田野和山丛已渐变地 修饰出你生命的沟回和着色 听说故事里 所有的蝴蝶会沉陷沼泽 只有花草的爱和叮嘱 会延续一些青春 带来玻璃似的复活 (二) 可我注定要加入 也成为一只安静的蝴蝶 和你们一起掩倦遮羞 用一层面纱隔开那最亲爱的阳光 于是 漫山枫叶成了我的遮阳伞 当叶子开始呢喃招摇 风就轻轻地收敛了 所有在生命的边缘跋涉的故事 可我注定要加入 也成为一只柔弱的蝴蝶 和你们一起披棉遮寒 用几桩暖木驱走那最别致的雪野 于是 遍野树丛成了我的闭寒庄 当丛林开始吱吱作响 雪就悄悄地探测了 所有在生命的边缘融化的故事 但我不要玻璃样地复活 释养一片绿叶 为心灵置换出鲜活的血液 重生会取代荒原的杂质 生命从此被净化 是诗样的信念让我不忍抛弃 我错综地爱着的世界 (三) 美丽的蝴蝶姑娘 请抛却心灵的负荷 种一谷蝴蝶草吧 给青山绿原披上婀娜的外衣 让遍谷香魂 陪它把余生度过 今夜,又飞雪 翻过的日子你可曾计数 一席雪寒好似一声听令符 冰冻你挥动的翅膀 黑夜里不再挑帘 却感受到你在用力舒展皱折 玻璃窗外的风景 隔岸的群蝶在思索 要微微地隐藏在阳光之下 更要躲开风餐雨露之祸 生命宛若一朵含苞的玫瑰 未来鲜艳未来柔弱 你飞翔着穿越 溪流、平原、山谷、小河 以一种不得不珍重的方式 存在 以轻盈无比的姿态 展现生命的沟回 我愿意守着 陪时间一起守着你 直到我从虚脱中超脱 我想我会明白 你舞来的遍野清香 有一缕曾来自我 我原来也只是一只蝶。


下面是几首比较著名的关于蝴蝶的英文诗1. The butterfly obtains by Emily DickinsonThe butterfly obtainsBut little sympathyThough favorably mentionedIn Entomology --Because he travels freelyAnd wears a proper coatThe circumspect are certainThat he is dissolute --Had he the homely scutcheonOf modest Industry'Twere fitter certifyingFor Immortality --2.Some such Butterfly be seen by Emily DickinsonSome such Butterfly be seenOn Brazilian Pampas --Just at noon -- no later -- Sweet --Then -- the License closes --Some such Spice -- express and pass --Subject to Your Plucking --As the Stars -- You knew last Night --Foreigners -- This Morning --3.Blue-Butterfly Day by Robert FrostIt is blue-butterfly day here in spring,And with these sky-flakes down in flurry on flurryThere is more unmixed color on the wingThan flowers will show for days unless they hurry.But these are flowers that fly and all but sing:And now from having ridden out desireThey lie closed over in the wind and clingWhere wheels have freshly sliced the April mire.4.Butterfly by David Herbert LawrenceButterfly, the wind blows sea-ward, strong beyond the garden-wall!Butterfly, why do you settle on my shoe, and sip the dirt on my shoe, Lifting your veined wings, lifting them? big white butterfly!Already it is October, and the wind blows strong to the seafrom the hills where snow must have fallen, the wind is polished with snow.Here in the garden, with red geraniums, it is warm, it is warmbut the wind blows strong to sea-ward, white butterfly, content on my shoe!Will you go, will you go from my warm house?Will you climb on your big soft wings, black-dotted,as up an invisible rainbow, an archtill the wind slides you sheer from the arch-crest and in a strange level fluttering you go out to sea-ward, white speck!。




原句:butterfly翻译: 蝴蝶短语蝴蝶夫人Madama Butterfly;Mitsouko;Cio Cio San;Un bel di vedremo蝴蝶飞linger;Fly Fly Butterfly;Butterfly;Flying Butterfly蝴蝶竺basket;gourmet gift larizonaeets;lazeet;carrier蝴蝶星团Butterfly Cluster;Messier;Messier Object;Open Cluster白蝴蝶sulphur butterfly;Syngonium podophyllum cv white butterfly;Syngonium podophyllum;WhiteButterfly蝴蝶龙hudiesaurus;Hudiesaurus sinojapanorum;The Butterfly Dragon两只蝴蝶Two Butterflies;DJ Dong ReMiX;Ericsson;Two butterfly铁蝴蝶Iron Butterfly蝴蝶双刀butterfly sword;Butterfly Knife蝴蝶飞落在花朵上。The butterfly alighted on a flower.毛虫变成了蝴蝶。

A caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.我看到一只蝴蝶擦着窗飞过去。I saw a butterfly graze against the window.蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。

The butterflies flirted from flower to flower.这是蝴蝶效应的一个实例。This was an illustration of the butterfly effect.“他答应给我一块地办蝴蝶展览,只要我能得到计划许可,”法雷尔回忆道。

"He offered me a site for a butterfly exhibition if I could get planning permission," he recalls.他们说,如果我写的是关于鸟和蝴蝶,就没有人会骚扰我,但是由于我不因为我的亚洲丈夫和小孩而感到 羞愧,我会才引来这些。They said if I wrote about birds and butterflies, nobody would have harassed me. But since I am not ashamed of my Asian husband and my child, I have attracted all that.在这座美丽的花园里,黛拉和花儿聊天,与蝴蝶玩耍,同鸟儿一起唱歌。

In the garden, she talked with the flowers, played with the butterflies and sang with the birds.它的广告宣传做得很大,至少在去年是这样的,我不确定它现在还是不是,它这里有一个小蝴蝶。This was very big in an ad campaign at least last year, I'm not sure if it still is, with the little butterfly.除了黑鸟和麻雀,见不到其它的身影;除了蝴蝶扇动翅膀,听不到其它的声音。

There is nothing to see except blackbirds and sparrows; nothing to hear except the noise of butterflies\' wings.蝴蝶和马利筋继续在彼此周围舞蹈着,无休无止的疯狂芭蕾使它们的形态大大改变,远远不同于它们彼此处于平静状态时可能拥有的形态。The butterfly and the milkweed constantly dance around each other, and by this ceaseless crazed ballet they move far beyond the forms they would have if they were at peace with each other.一个比一大很多的数字会导致了一个混沌系统,因为在生物电活动中任何小干扰都会很快被扩大,就像蝴蝶效应一样。

A value much greater than one would lead to a chaotic system, because any small perturbations in the electrical activity would soon be amplified, as in the butterfly effect.这种蝴蝶是以绿色的孔雀石命名的——从图中你就可以看出原因。This butterfly is named after the green mineral malachite – and you can see why.可是她们的数目非常多,选择很不容易。

蝴蝶不愿意招来麻烦,因此就飞到雏菊那儿去。The butterfly did not like to take too much trouble, so 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。































Butterfly Michael Bullock The first butterfly of spring Orange and purple Flits across my path A flying flower That changes The colour of my day 蝴蝶 迈克尔·布洛克/作,张文武/译 春天的第一只蝴蝶 身披橙色和紫色 从的路上飞过 一朵飞行的花 改变了 生活的颜色 Butterfly Michael Bullock The first butterfly of spring Orange and purple Flits across my path A flying flower That changes The colour of my day 蝴蝶 迈克尔·布洛克/作,张文武/译 春天的第一只蝴蝶 身披橙色和紫色 从的路上飞过 一朵飞行的花 改变了 生活的颜色。


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