

Standing in the western part of Tueyang City, the majestic Yueyang Tower overlooks Dongting Lake and faces Junshan Islet in the distance.

Yueyang Tower is one of the three famous tower south of the Changjiang River, the other two being Guanghe Tower in Wuchang and Tengang Pavilion in Nanchang. The Predecessor of Yueyang Tower was a platform on which Lu Su, a genereal of Wu State during the Three Kindoms period, reviewed the navy in training. The tower was first built in 716. Bothe Li Bai and Du Fu, master poets of the Tang Dynasty descended it and composed poems there. In 1045 during the Nothern Song Dynasty,Yueyang Tower was reconstructed, and Fan Zhongyang, a man of letters, was invited to write Notes on Yue yang Tower. "Being the firest to show concern for the people and the last to enjoy comforts", a line from Fan's masterpiece essay, has made Yueyang Tower known through the ages. The tower has undergone many renovations but it maintains its architectural style and apperance. The tower we see today is a three-story wooden structure with four columns, upturned waves, and a helmet-style top. It is a major historical erlic under state protection.


英文:Qingli four spring, Teng Zijing zhe (zh é) baling county. The next year, logical administration and harmonious people, all neglected tasks are being undertaken. But the renovation of the Yueyang Tower, by the old system, moment The modern poems by Tang Xian. Genus (zh ǔ) to (y) composition to the mind.To view the husband (f ú) baling wins like, in the Dongting lake. The title of the mountains, swallow the Yangtze River, SHANG (SH or ng), limitless; Zhaohui Xi Yin, majestic and grand. The Grand View of the Yueyang Tower have. The preparation of predecessors. But the Wu Gorge in the north, the Antarctic Xiaoxiang, man of gifted pen, will in this, in relation to objects of feeling, have no more?Ruofu rainy, even months not to open; the roar, Zhuolang emptying; Sunstar hidden Yao (Y à o), mountain - shaped potential; business is not good, the (Qi á ng) dump oar (J í).; thin (B ó) Twilight dim, to open up wasteland. On building also, have to nostalgia, fear slanderous talks, everywhere Xiaoran, feeling very sad.And if gorgeous vernal scenery, placid, up and down the skylight, watery blue reaching far beyond the horizon; fly and gather, Jinlin swimming, Anzhi (zh ì Ji ting () t ī ng) LAN, luxuriant green. Or long smoke out, with bright moonlight, glistening, the moonlight shadow is like the jade; as each answer, what most of this music! Solid floor, a feel fresh, s hate Kai forget, wine Lin Feng, who say their Xiyang yang.Sigh (Ji E). (f)! For (Y ú) taste and the ancient Renren heart, or the differences between the two as, He Zai (Z or I)? Hi, you; UN High Temple is concerned about the people; (CH ǔ) at the far corners of the worry qijun. In this way, retirement worries. But when the music? It will be said: "first and worry about all over the world, after the world enjoy" almost. Gee (Y ī)! Micro man, No one is like-minded.?Six years in September 15th.译文:庆历四年(1044年)的春天,滕子京降职到岳州做太守。

到了第二年,政事顺利,百姓和乐,很多长年荒废的事业又重新兴 办起来了。还重新修建了岳阳楼,扩大它旧有的规模,还在上面刻上唐代贤人和当代人的诗赋,(滕子京)并嘱咐(我)写一篇文章用来记述这件事。




(他们)看了自然景物而触发的感情,大概会有所不同吧? 如果遇上阴雨连绵繁密,有时连着整个月没有晴天,寒风怒吼,浊浪冲天,太阳和星星隐藏了光辉,山岳隐没了形体;商人和旅客无法通行,桅杆倒下,船桨折断;傍晚天色昏暗,虎在长啸,猿在哀啼。(此时)登上岳阳楼,就会产生离开国都,怀念家乡,担心(人家)说坏话,惧怕批评指责的感觉,满眼是萧条的景象,感慨悲伤到极点啊。

至于春风和煦,阳光明媚的日子,湖面风平浪静,天色湖光相接,一片碧绿,广阔无际;沙鸥时而飞翔,时而停歇,美丽的鱼儿在湖中游来游去;湖岸上的小草和沙洲上的兰花,香气浓郁,草木茂盛。而有时大片烟雾完全消散,皎洁的月光一泻千里,(月光照耀下的)水波闪耀着金光;无风时静静的月影好似沉入水中的玉璧,渔夫的歌声一唱一和,这样的乐趣哪有穷尽!(此时)登上岳阳楼,就会有心胸开阔,精神愉悦,忘却荣辱得失,举起酒杯面对和风,喜气洋洋的感觉! 唉!我曾经探求过古时品德高尚的人的思想,或许不同于(以上)两种心情,这是为什么呢?他们不因为外物的好坏和个人的得失而或喜或悲;在朝廷作官的人为百姓担忧;不在朝廷作官的人为君王担忧。

这样在朝为官也担忧,在野为民也担忧。既然这样,那么,什么时候才快乐呢?那一定要说“在天下人忧虑之前先忧虑,在天下人快乐之后再快乐”吧?唉!(如果)没有这种人,我同谁一道呢? 写于庆历六年(1046年)九月十五日。




关山以北战争烽火仍未止息,凭窗遥望胸怀家国涕泪交流Very early to be well-known, far and near Dongting Lake,Today I have the honor to climb the Yueyang Tower.The great lakes all like Wu Chudongnan separated,And like a floating in the lake and ripples.Wandering old friends not to send word,The frail elderly people living in the leaf boat.The flames of war is still not cease to the north,By the window overlooking the mind home shed streams of tears and snivelI had always heard of Lake Dongting. And now at last I have climbed to this tower.Wu Chudongnan Cheng, and the night float.But no word has reached me from kin or friends. I am old and sick and alone with my boat.North of this wall there are wars and mountains. And here by the rail how can I help crying。.。



1988年1月被国务院确定为全国重点文物保护单位。Yueyang Tower is located on the wall of the west gate of the ancient city of Yueyang City, Hunan Province, overlooking Dongting and looking ahead to Junshan. It has been known as "Dongting Tianshui and Yueyang Tianlou" since ancient times. It is also called "three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River" together with Huanghe Tower in Wuhan of Hubei Province and Tengwang Pavilion in Changxi of Jiangxi Province. In January 1988, it was designated as a key cultural relic protection unit by the State Council.岳阳楼主楼高19.42米,进深14.54米,宽17.42米,为三层、四柱、飞檐、盔顶、纯木结构。

楼中四根楠木金柱直贯楼顶,周围绕以廊、枋、椽、檩互相榫合,结为整体。The main building of Yueyang Tower is 19.42 meters high, 14.54 meters deep and 17.42 meters wide. It has three stories, four columns, eaves, helmet top and pure wood structure. Four Nanmu gold pillars in the middle of the building run through the roof directly. They are surrounded by corridors, rafters, rafters and purlins, joining each other as a whole.岳阳楼作为三大名楼中唯一保持原貌的古建筑,其独特的盔顶结构,更是体现古代劳动人民的聪明智慧和能工巧匠的精巧的设计和技能。

北宋范仲淹脍炙人口的《岳阳楼记》更使岳阳楼著称于世。Yueyang Tower is the only ancient building among the three famous buildings to keep its original appearance. Its unique helmet structure reflects the wisdom of the ancient working people and the ingenious design and skills of skilled craftsmen. The famous Yueyang Tower by Fan Zhongyan in the Northern Song Dynasty made Yueyang Tower more famous in the world.扩展资料:建筑特色 岳阳楼坐西朝东,构造古朴独特,岳阳楼台基以花岗岩围砌而成,台基宽度17.24米,进14.54米,高度为0.65米。







Standing in the western part of Tueyang City, the majestic Yueyang Tower overlooks Dongting Lake and faces Junshan Islet in the distance。

Yueyang Tower is one of the three famous tower south of the Changjiang River, the other two being Guanghe Tower in Wuchang and Tengang Pavilion in Nanchang。 The Predecessor of Yueyang Tower was a platform on which Lu Su, a genereal of Wu State during the Three Kindoms period, reviewed the navy in training。

The tower was first built in 716。 Bothe Li Bai and Du Fu, master poets of the Tang Dynasty descended it and composed poems there。

In 1045 during the Nothern Song Dynasty,Yueyang Tower was reconstructed, and Fan Zhongyang, a man of letters, was invited to write Notes on Yue yang Tower。 "Being the firest to show concern for the people and the last to enjoy comforts", a line from Fan's masterpiece essay, has made Yueyang Tower known through the ages。

The tower has undergone many renovations but it maintains its architectural style and apperance。 The tower we see today is a three-story wooden structure with four columns, upturned waves, and a helmet-style top。

It is a major historical erlic under state protection。 用心查了的,这是讲岳阳楼的。




属予作文以记之。 予观夫巴陵胜状,在洞庭一湖。


前人之述备矣。 然则北通巫峡,南极潇湘,迁客骚人,多会于此,览物之情,得无异乎? 若夫霪雨霏霏,连月不开,阴风怒号,浊浪排空;日星隐耀,山岳潜形;商旅不行,樯倾楫摧;薄暮冥冥,虎啸猿啼。

登斯楼也,则有去国怀乡,忧谗畏讥,满目萧然,感极而悲者矣。 至若春和景明,波澜不惊,上下天光,一碧万顷;沙鸥翔集,锦鳞游泳;岸芷汀兰,郁郁青青。

而或长烟一空,皓月千里,浮光跃金,静影沉璧,渔歌互答,此乐何极!登斯楼也,则有心旷神怡,宠辱偕忘,把酒临风,其喜洋洋者矣。 嗟夫!予尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之为,何哉?不以物喜,不以己悲;居庙堂之高则忧其民;处江湖之远则忧其君。

是进亦忧,退亦忧。 然则何时而乐耶?其必曰“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”乎。

噫!微斯人,吾谁与归? 时六年九月十五日。 翻译为:Qingli four spring Tengzi Jing Su defensive Paling County。

The next year, government administration is popularly, 100 Hing spent with。 Yueyang is rehabilitation, and increased its old system, Tangxian people carved their retirement。

I remember an essay to it。 I just Bassiouni Mausoleum winning warrants in a lake Fisherman。

Along title, swallow Yangtze River, Victoria looking, horizontal surface min; Yin away Thursday, Friday。 Yueyang, this is also the artifacts。

Predecessors to keep the wrong。 But North Link Gorge, Antarctic Xiang, their passengers prize, more will be here, on objects of affection may be different between? Ruofu Yinyu thick and fast, even on non-opened, bizarre angrily, often vented; Japan-hidden Yiu, submarine-shaped mountain; Merchants do not work, Education dumping row destruction; Dusk pursuit, stands Yuanti。

Providence House, they have to States nostalgia felt by expatriates, ridiculed worry misrepresent Wei, stretch drawn, a sense of self and sense。 To the spring and if King states that fall, from Tin Kwong, a Pitt 。

; Sand gull Xiangji, Jinlin swimming; Shore Zhitinglan, solid green。 And long cigarettes or a space, Haoyueqianli, floating-ray -- gold, Shen Ching Ying Choi, mutual a fisherman's song, what is this music! Providence House, they are relaxing, Chongru-forgotten, raise one's wine cup Lin Feng, the joy of self。

Sigh husband! I try to ancient loving heart, or differences between them as Dr Ram? Hei not to object, not to their own sense; In the high temples of its China worry; Department veterans of the last Gulf far。 Jin is also worried, which is sad。

But when the Lok Jerusalem? Its will say "plan and worry ahead of the people, and enjoy the fruits after" between。 Belch! Micro man, and I who belong to? September 15, six years。

7.以《我眼中的岳阳》为题的英语作文 急



燥热的夏日,岳阳南湖广场是纳凉的好处去。清凉的湖风可以吹去一身的疲惫。文庙的烧烤很有名,味道正宗,很过瘾。时尚的商业步行街是女生逛街的必去之地。还有紧挨步行街的小龙城,只要你够眼力,而且有得一身杀价的本领,就勇敢地往那去吧,绝对可以淘到你喜欢的衣裤鞋帽、首饰小玩。如果周末有闲情,免门票的金鄂公园是个好去处,那里的和平鸽广场你可以和和平鸽来个亲密接触,动物园里也有很多平日看不到的“朋友”,如果你对自然景观更感兴趣的话就可以从公园门口开始进行爬山,既欣赏了美景,又锻炼了身体。更有中外闻名的岳阳楼,一览洞庭湖风光的美景肯定让你流连忘返。神秘的君山岛现在主打“爱情”的旗号,品味完“湘妃泪竹”和“柳毅传书” 的美丽爱情故事,也许你对爱情会有不同的看法……










杜甫到了晚年,已经是“漂泊西南天地间”,没有一个定居之所,只好“以舟为家”了。所以下边接着写:“亲朋无一字,老病有孤舟。”亲戚朋友们这时连音信都没有了,只有年老多病的诗人泛着一叶扁舟到处飘流!从这里就可以领会到开头的两句“昔闻洞庭水,今上岳阳楼”,本来含有一个什么样的意境了。 这两句诗,从表面上看来,意境象是很简单:诗人说他在若干年前就听得人家说洞庭湖的名胜,今天居然能够登上岳阳楼,亲眼看到这一片山色湖光的美景。因此清人仇兆鳌就认为:“‘昔闻’、‘今上’,喜初登也。”(《杜诗详注》)但仅这样理解,就把杜诗原来的意境领会得太浅了。这里并不是写登临的喜悦;而是在这平平的叙述中,寄寓着漂泊天涯,怀才不遇,桑田沧海,壮气蒿莱……许许多多的感触,才写出这么两句:过去只是耳朵里听到有这么一片洞庭水,哪想到迟暮之年真个就上了这岳阳楼?本来是沉郁之感,不该是喜悦之情;若是喜悦之情,就和结句的“凭轩涕泗流”连不到一起了。我们知道,杜甫在当时的政治生活是坎坷的,不得意的,然而他从来没有放弃“致君尧舜上,再使风俗淳”的抱负。哪里想到一事无成,昔日的抱负,今朝都成了泡影!诗里的“今”、“昔”两个字有深深的含意。因此在这一首诗的结句才写出:“戎马关山北,凭轩涕泗流”,眼望着万里关山,天下到处还动荡在兵荒马乱里,诗人倚定了阑干,北望长安,不禁涕泗滂沱,声泪俱下了。 这首诗,以其意境的开阔宏丽为人称道,而这意境是从诗人的抱负中来,是从诗人的生活思想中来,也有时代背景的作用。清初黄生对这一首诗有一段议论,大意说:这首诗的前四句写景,写得那么宽阔广大,五、六两句叙述自己的身世,又是写得这么凄凉落寞,诗的意境由广阔到狭窄,忽然来了一个极大的转变;这样,七、八两句就很难安排了。哪想到诗人忽然把笔力一转,写出“戎马关山北”五个字,这样的胸襟,和上面“吴楚东南坼,乾坤日夜浮”一联写自然界宏奇伟丽的气象,就能够很好地上下衬托起来,斤两相称。这样创造的天才,当然就压倒了后人,谁也不敢再写岳阳楼的诗了。 黄生这一段话是从作诗的方法去论杜诗的,把杜诗的意境说成是诗笔一纵一收的产物,说意境的结构是从创作手法的变换中来。这不是探本求源的说法。我们说,诗的意境是诗人的生活思想从各方面凝结而成的,至于创作方法和艺术加工,炼字炼句等等,只能更准确地把意境表达出来,并不能以这些形式上的条件为基础从而酝酿成诗词的意境。昔人探讨创作问题,偏偏不从生活实践这方面去考虑,当然就不免倒果为因了。

















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