

Wonderful Teacher


With a special gift for learning

And with a heart that deeply cares,

You add a lot of love

To everything you share,

And even though

You mean a lot,

You'll never know how much,

For you helped

To change the world

Through every life you touched.

You sparked the creativity

In the students whom you taught,

And helped them strive for goals

That could not be bought,

You are such a special teacher

That no words can truly tell

However much you're valued

For the work you do so well.

--Author Unknown


A Teacher for All Seasons

A teacher is like Spring,

Who nurtures new green sprouts,

Encourages and leads them,

Whenever they have doubts.

A teacher is like Summer,

Whose sunny temperament

Makes studying a pleasure,

Preventing discontent.

A teacher is like Fall,

With methods crisp and clear,

Lessons of bright colors

And a happy atmosphere.

A teacher is like Winter,

While it's snowing hard outside,

Keeping students comfortable,

As a warm and helpful guide.

Teacher, you do all these things,

With a pleasant attitude;

You're a teacher for all seasons,

And you have my gratitude!























1、Number One Teacher ——Joanna Fuchs I'm happy that you're my teacher; I enjoy each lesson you teach.As my role model you inspire me,To dream and to work and to reach.With your kindness you get my attention; Every day you are planting a seed,Of curiosity and motivation.To know and to grow and succeed.You help me fulfill my potential; I'm thankful for all that you've done.I admire you each day, and I just want to say,As a teacher, you're number one!译文 第一名老师 作者:Joanna Fuchs 我很高兴你是我的老师; 我喜欢你教的每一课。

作为我的榜样,你激励我,做梦,努力工作和达成。你的善意引起了我的注意; 每天你都在种下,好奇心和动力的种子,以了解并成长和成功。

你帮助我发挥我的潜力; 我很感谢你所做的一切。我每天都很佩服你,我只想说,作为老师,你是第一!2、Thank You Teacher ——Angela DeMelo I thank you for your helping hand,for your warm and tender heart,and for the opportunity,to make a brand new start.I hold fast to tomorrow,and treasure each passing day,never taking for granted,that which can be taken away.I have learned to count my blessings,never dwelling on the past,and to build a brighter future,with the knowledge from your class.You taught me to be confident,I could do it if I tried.and taught me to have courage,to take everything in stride.You're such a wonderful teacher,for all it is plain to see.I just wanted to let you know,how much you have meant to me.译文 谢谢您老师 作者:Angela DeMelo 我感谢你,为了,你温暖和温柔的心灵,和伸出援助的手,和一个创造全新的开始的机会,我坚持到明天,珍惜每一天,不会理所当然地,认为时间可以随便溜走。


你真是个了不起的老师,这很明显,但我只是想让你知道,你对我有多重要。3、Shining Star ——Debbie Klier We'd like to thank you for all that you've done.For the time you've invested in our daughters and sons.For the places you've taken them, and you've taken them far!For leading and guiding them, to their North Star!For your timeless energy that never seems to tire.For that special talent you possess to inspire!For making your students the best they can be.For trying to teach them all to see; how far they can fly and how high they can soar.For making them all crave to learn more!You've challenged their minds, their hearts and souls.You've taught them it's possible to reach for their goals.And as they journey through life near and far,We will always remember their SHINING STAR!译文 闪亮之星 作者:Debbie Klier 我们要感谢你所做的一切。


为你所拥有的激励人的特殊才能!为你让你的学生成为最好的学生。试图教他们所有人看; 他们可以飞多远,他们能飞得多高。


在他们现在或者将来的生活之旅中,将永远记住他们的闪亮之星!4、Teachers ——Kevin William Huff Teachers,Paint their minds,and guide their thoughts; Share their achievements,and advise their faults。Inspire a Love,of knowledge and truth; As you light the path,Which leads to our youth.For our future brightens,with each lesson you teach.Each smile you lengthen,Each goal you help reach,for the dawn of each poet.each philosopher and king,Begins with a teacher,And the wisdom they bring.译文 老师们 作者:Kevin William Huff 教师,画出他们的思想,并指导他们的思想;分享他们的成就,并指点他们的错误;激发,对知识和真理的热爱;当你点亮,通向我们青春的道路,你教导的每一课,都是为了照亮我们的未来。


每个哲学家和国王都会,以老师,和他们带来的智慧开始。作者:Kevin William Huff5、A Teacher for All Seasons ——Anonymous A teacher is like Spring,Who nurtures new green sprouts,Encourages and leads them,Whenever they have doubts.A teacher is like Summer,Whose sunny temperament Makes studying a pleasure,Preventing discontent.A teacher is like Fall,With methods crisp and clear,Lessons of bright colors And a happy atmosphere.A teacher is like Winter,While it's snowing hard outside,Keeping students comfortable,As a warm and helpful guide.Teacher, you do all these things,With a pleasant attitude; You're a teacher for all seasons,And you have my gratitude!译文 四季的老师 作者:Anonymous 一个像春天一样的老师,培养新的。


1、In teaching, you cannot see the fruit of a day's work. It is invisible and remains so,maybe for twenty years.——Jacques Barzun 在教学中,你看不到一天工作的成果。它是无形的,但它的影响肯能会持续二十年。—— 雅克·巴尔赞

2、The great teacher inspires. --William Arthur Ward 伟大的老师给人启迪。——威廉·亚瑟华德

3、Spring Silkworms to death to make silk, wax torch ashes only dry tears." ——li shangyin 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。——李商隐

4、Educate all without discrimination. —— Confucius 有教无类。 ——孔子

5、Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition. -Jacques Barzun 教育并非失传的艺术,但是人们已经习惯了不尊重教育。—— 雅克·巴尔赞

5.赞美老师的诗句 英语哟

Mother Machree(慈母颂)

There's a spot in my heart

which no colleen may own;

There's a depth in my soul

never sounded or known;

There's a place in my memory

my life that you fill;

No other can take it

no one ever will;

Every sorrow or care

in the dear days gone by;

Was made bright by the light

of the smile in your eye;

Like a candle that's set

in a window at night;

Your fond love has cheered me

and guided me right;

Sure I love the dear silver

that shines in your hair;

And the brow that's all furrowed

and wrinkled with care;

I kiss the dear fingers

so toil warm for me;

Oh! God bless you and

keep you, mother machree!

Wonderful Teacher


With a special gift for learning

And with a heart that deeply cares,

You add a lot of love

To everything you share,

And even though

You mean a lot,

You'll never know how much,

For you helped

To change the world

Through every life you touched.

You sparked the creativity

In the students whom you taught,

And helped them strive for goals

That could not be bought,

You are such a special teacher

That no words can truly tell

However much you're valued

For the work you do so well.

--Author Unknown


My Respectable Teacher Lovely as the candle burning itself to light up other people It is however so little as compared with thee Respectable as the chalk crumbled into powder it's never awed It is however so small as compared with thee Credible is the gardener nourishing flowers and grass sincere They are however so minor as compared with thee Thou, my respected teacher None is greater be the loveliness of the candle, the respectability of the chalk and the credibility of the gardener!。


您在学生的心目中,是“真的种子,善的信使,美的旗帜”.In the eyes of the students, you are "the seed of the true , the messenger of the good , the banner of the beautiful".教师是人类灵魂的工程师 ——斯大林 The teacher is the engineer of the human soul -- Stalin春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干 ——李商隐To death to make silk, wax torch ashes tears -- Li Shangyin太阳底下最光辉的职业 ;人类灵魂的工程师;Under the sun the most glory occupation; the engineer of human soul;老师就像蜡烛,燃烧自己,照亮别人.Teachers are like candles, burning themselves, illuminates the others.三尺讲台,三 寸舌,三寸笔,三千桃李 Three feet platform, three inch tongue, three inch, three thousand peach十年树木,十载风,十载雨,十万栋梁It takes ten years for ten years, wind, rain, one hundred thousand pillars身为世范,为人师表As the world fan, be a model for others老师是我们的在生父母!`爹娘生养我们老师教育了我们The teacher is our birth parents! The parents have our teacher taught us。


1.For all the great things you say and do…

The best teacher's award goes to you.


As another school term approaches…

wish your days turn our to be as great as you make ours.


You are the best. 您是最棒的老师

Your guidance makes me go far and do things differently.


Sending flowers to my teacher. 送一束花给我的老师

Your lessons are still the one that helps me.

Your words are still fresh and warm.

You've swayed my life so deeply.

You're still my best teacher.

Far across the miles, sending you wishes of love

and peace on Teacher's Day.


A sweet and lovely gift to my favorite teacher.


You are a special person in our life.

We all love you, Sir!


2.To Sir, With Love 老师,我们敬爱您

It's your day, Teacher. Have a great day! 老师,这是属於您的日子,祝您愉快

The best way to learn is to learn from the best. 名师出高徒

Five starts for my best teacher. 老师,颁给你五颗星的奖( 最佳老师)

Thanks for being such a great teacher.

Happy Teacher's Day.


Wishing you a happy Teacher's Day. 祝您有个愉快的教师节

Thanks for being an inspiring teacher.


Hearty wishes on Teacher's Day.


You taught me to aim for success and to accept failure with courage.

Happy Teacher's Day.


Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers.


I want to be like you, when I grow up. 我长大也要像你一样

Your guidance makes us to achieve what we have dreamt for.

Thank you for being my teacher.


Sending great love to the greatest teacher of the world.



Because of you,my life is full of sunshine now! Thank you so much,my dear teacher.



Till the end of life a silk worm keeps spining silk.


Till burning itself out a candle goes on lighting us.


Teacher of the first, lifelong is a father .----元.关汉卿


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